Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Improvement of a writer

This has been a long but useful semester as fas as english goes for me. While I was already a fairly good writer to say at least, I have grown and improved even more since a few months ago. One of the most beneficial things that I felt I learned in class 111-28 was the use of Rhetorical appeals such as ethos,logos,and pathos. despite the fact that im more than sure I had used these three rhetorical appeals before, I was a little naive that I was using them. The way I look at it is if you’re already good at something, but don’t know that you are good at it then you are able to better yourself once you learn to control it or manipulate it, almost like a super power or a new talent. Also I have found the use of the little, brown compact book by Jane E. Aaron which contained many grammatical exercises and ways to use grammar in a better way. I can speak on that personally because I know for a fact that this little, brown compact book has helped to improve and correct the structuring of my papers down to the last sentence.
The class discussions that I have partaken in and contributed to as well as other students have not only helped to improve my writing skills but they have also improved and reinforced my people skills as well. These class discussions were usually a good way to cross ventilate ideas to other peers as well as gain insight on what one could do for them selves when typing their own papers. On top of that the ideas given usually worked for me in a positive manner to improve my writing skills.
Another effective thing that helped me in English class was the quieter one on one form a class discussion call a peer review paper. This was basically where we print out a sheet of paper know as a peer review form along with a rough draft of whatever paper was due at the time, we exchange peer review forms and drafts and read the drafts and fill out the forms. This procedural process helped me by showing how to read another’s writing beyond just the words, it showed me how to look for the little small minuscule details that could make or break a paper. From my perspective this was also a way to ask myself certain questions about my paper and what key points in its grammatical structure did I pinpoint or miss.
Yet another contributing factor to the plethora of beneficial improvements I have made, I would have to say would be endurance. Now when I say endurance I don’t mean that I had a hard time keeping up form the get, but rather my endurance has bettered. This is in itself has a few factors of its own; my expectations of what a college English class requires, my motivation to meet those requirements and my dedication to keep myself motivated to meet those requirements. Writing assignments came at a fair but fast pace and one without endurance would fall behind, so with the help of my instructor and keeping posted on my assignments I was definitely able to raise my endurance and stay on task.
This has been a long but useful semester for me, and the list of things that have helped to improve my writing skills could go on and on and on, however the most important ones have been pointed out.. if this was all a dream or premonition of some sort and I had to relearn these effective methods again that would improve and benefit my writing skills for the better I would gladly redo them( I’m glad that I don’t have to though). I have learned many great methods that I will incorporate into my other writing classes when they come and I am sure to have new and refined edge on my writing. With all of that said I can say I have definitely improved for the best.

1 comment:

  1. "The way I look at it is if you’re already good at something, but don’t know that you are good at it then you are able to better yourself once you learn to control it or manipulate it, almost like a super power or a new talent."

    I like the similes here.
